Blogging Demystified 1.0

INTRODUCTION Blogging is a very confusing terrain. For most people, it's something to shy away from, for some people, it's a get-rich-quick venture, while for some others, it's a way to have fun. Which is the truth? Find out in this guide. Before we start, I'll ask the preliminary question: What exactly is a blog? Well, a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. A blog is a website and it's usually an online private space that centres on a particular subject by its owner, or concerns itself with the promotion of an activity. Now, it's important to note that a blog is a website. Yes. I've seen many people who come to ask if ZenPens—for example—is a blog. Every space on the internet is a website. I think it would be good to tell you about the different types of websites. Why is it important? Because if you are planning to open a website, it'...