Hidden Treasures

Have you ever thought of how it would be to lose control or use of any part of your body? Being unable to do things that are normal, easy and fun? Having to rely on people, or machines, or prosthetics to perform ordinary everyday tasks? Well it’s no fun. At all! Another question. When you see someone who is termed ‘disabled’, how do you react? Or feel? Well, I can tell you that your reaction depends on how you see the word ‘disability.’
The beggar you see on the street might be more intelligent than you if given the same opportunity as yours; the blind woman who comes to your class to solicit for alms could be your mother if things turned out differently; so could the child with cerebral palsy be a terrific singer, writer, composer or anything if but given a chance.
You might say: “But no one is taking their opportunities away.” Well, that’s not true! There are a lot of ways to do that. Chief among them is pity. A lot of people don’t like being pitied. “Oh! Look at that boy! Can he be able to cope with the rigors of school?”, “Can that blind girl ever find love? ”These statements kill both their spirit and their zeal to achieve. Not. Everyone among them is strong enough.
Is anyone really disable? That’s my question for you. But I would like to add that for me, it’s not disability but Disability which means Difference In Structural ability. How? That lame man might be more articulate than you, that blind boy is more observant than you are; how can he feel his environment if not so?
They have a lot to offer. But most are afraid of rejection, of being laughed at, or being called a loser. I can still remember a friend of mine who walks with the aid of crutches; he fell in love with a girl, told her about his feelings for her. Do you know what she replied him? She said “What would I do with a cripple like you?” That statement killed him and his belief in love. Such is the world they live in. That of fear, sorrow, pain, rejection, and agony.
Put yourself in the shoes of that ‘disabled’ person you know for one minute, then you’ll realize what they’ve passed through for years.
So the next time you see someone that is ‘disabled’, show them not pity but love, acceptance not rejection, give them hope, smile at them. Spur them on to their dreams, take them out, pray for them. And remember, we are all made in the image of God; everything He created is beautiful. Look deep and you will find an amazing world of beauty hidden in them. For they are our hidden treasures.


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