Excursion Report

The bus left around 9:30am, and when we reached, we were met by the safety personnel who took us through the whole security and safety procedures that are in place at the plant. Before going into the main plant, we were suited up in safety apparel (that is, the Personal Protective Equipment, PPE) and earplugs to prevent damage to our ears coming from the noise of the machines. The next place we were taken to was the packaging area where the goods are properly packaged. The bottles and crates and all other items used in packaging are thoroughly washed before use to ensure that proper hygiene is maintained. Also before the goods are sealed, they are pasteurized ;the reason being tokill the microorganisms that might be present. After that, we were taken to the storage area where the finished products are kept; the goods are stored on top of pallets to prevent contamination from the ground. Next, we were taken to the production area where the main work is done. We saw the adjunct cooker, w...